How to distinguish the real Scenar?
In recent years there are many conflicting and confusing information about the devices Scenar in the Internet.
We will try to help you understand this situation.
OKB RITM (Russia) is the inventor and world's only manufacturer of original Scenar equipment and accessories. Scenar devices are made in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and the CE Mark. They became become available worldwide in 2006. In May 2010 the USA FDA approved the SCENAR Device for the indications of acute, chronic and post operative pain healing.
Now OKB RITM produces two types of devices - for Russian and foreign markets. In fact, it is one and the same instrument, which is marked with signs in Russian or in English.
These devices are also sold in two ways. The English version sold in Europe and America through a network of authorized distributors. For several reasons the price of these devices is much higher than the price of the Russian version.
Russian version are sold by independent vendors from Russia by the Internet. Today it is the easiest way to get the original device at an affordable price.

Scenar for Russian market

Scenar for foreign markets
By the help of site, you can buy the Russian version of Scenar:
- The device is equipped with documents (passport and user`s instructions) in Russian and English.
- Each unit has an individual number. It is applied to the label on the back of the unit. The same number is placed in the passport of the device and on the box.
- In the Russian version of SCENAR the information about the CE mark is affixed on the front page of the passport and instruction.
- The passport contains documents for warranty repairs and must be kept for the operating life of the device.
- The manufacturer provides a free repair or replacement service within 12 months.
- Repair of all Scenar devices take place in Russia. In the case of a defect you must contact the seller and return the device for repairing or replacement.
- This warranty does not cover the cases when the device has a mechanical damage or if you made the attempts to repair it by yourself.
- User Manual in English (50 pages) with illustrations contain sufficient information on how to apply the Scenar treatment of various diseases.
- Instruments of Chance-Scenar Series are the devices for home care and they do not require additional training - it is very easy to use them.
Each of you can make a choice: if you buy an English version from a local distributor you get the training videos and you can get extra training.
Buying a Russian version - you get the original instrument, the English instructions, warranty service and save money.
Frightening information about the buyer's legal and not legal devices is no more than a promotional trick. All units are identical. They are made in one place and give exactly the same therapeutic effect.
Your task is to make a choice guided by common sense, logic, and your financial opportunities.
Our task is to give you accurate information, provide you with original devices and allow the maximum possible range of people to use the advantages of the Scenar therapy. We wish you good luck and health.