Kremlin Silver Photon pills Sputnik capsule
The GITS-4-Duny an Autonomous Bipolar Stimulator of Gastrointestinal Tract (trade name Silver Tablet, has been designed and developed to favor the motor-evacuatory and secretory functional recovering of digestive organs and is a medical device of wide application powerful means quite suitable for clinic and home application.
GIT stimulator as being the perfected embodiment of very popular with public the Kremlin Tablet unit has been created thanks to up-to-date achievements of Russian medical microelectronics industry and the most advanced drug-free therapy technologies directed both onto the single organs and integral organism. While designing and developing the Silver Tablet unit there were taken into account all physiology properties of human organism hence pulse stimulation with the Unit is absolutely innocuous and free from any side-effects. It appears to be a mean of the highest efficiency for patients of every age and there are occasions when pulse stimulation method is the only alternative to surgical operation for recovery of lost organism functions.
Action of The Silver tablet improves the immunity, positive influences on lipoid metabolism, on reduction of sugar in blood and in urine.
It is applied at any age.