UVB Lamp for vitiligo psoriasis cure
Vitiligo therapy
Phototherapy is the method of psoriasis cure and vitiligo therapy with the help of ultraviolet rays. Sources of narrow spectrum radiation (UVB 311 nm) are considered to be the best for vitiligo and psoriasis treatment. They are often called vitiligo psoriasis lamps.
The newest medical researches show that the rays of 311 nm wave length bring the maximum therapeutical effect. It means they have the highest speed of remission, duration of achieved results and exceed the indicators of another wavebands.
The usage of narrowband UVB lamps for vitiligo psoriasis therapy doesn't requires of taking additional chemical medicine, it doesn't causes the skin photodegradation, cataract formation and skin cancer as opposed to rays of different wave length.
The radiation of UVB narrowband lamps causes a high anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory actions. UVB is used for vitiligo psoriasis therapy when local drug therapy isn't successful or in combination with another wave length rays. The usage of vitiligo psoriasis lamp as monotherapy brings to 85-90% of sick men the expressed therapeutical effect.
UVB narrowband lamp is considered to be one of the most effective forms of cure and prophylaxis with a minimum risk of mild and serious forms of psoriasis.
I offer you several models of vitiligo psoriasis lamps - with a timer, without a timer, fixed on table lamp and many more.
Vitiligo therapy is complex of a medical treatment for slowing growth or improving the condition of the patients.
Vitiligo lamp is a relatively new technology in treating vitiligo. It gives a real help for people with skin pigmentation. A complete loss of pigment in localized areas of the skin unfortunately can’t be totally cured but UBV (vitiligo lamp) can achieve over 90% of skin repigmentation within a year for most patients.
UVB treatment for vitiligo means using of Ultra Violet B light as a cure for this disease. UVB narrowband lamps use 315-280 nm wavelength light that is quite promising in a long term management for skin diseases.
Narrowband UVB lamp is more safe to use then the PUVA system (Ultra Violet A light exposure and of psoralen pills) and it does not lead to the skin cancer. So for nowadays UBV is one of the best vitiligo treatments.
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