The cup massage procedure is a simple treatment that gives impressive results.
A cup massage helps release the rigid soft tissue through negative pressure and suction, it also helps drain off excess toxins and fluids your body may be retaining, it can help to loosen adhesions and lift the connective tissues. This helps increase the blood flow to the skin and muscles that may have problems with partial atrophy.
- Diameter of glass cup - 30mm
- Height (together with a rubber bulb) - 85mm
Kinetic vacuum-therapy (cupping massage)
Attention! Before installing, check the cups surface adjacent to the patient's skin for cracks and chips.
• It is perfect to make vacuum massage on warmed up smooth tissue. Such effect has the bath or sauna. If not, you can take a warm shower or bath. Lubricate the massaged surface with massage cream or massage oil.
• Place the cun regulating the vacuum force by container compression, thus it is necessary to consider the patient skin sensitivity, his age and physical condition.
• Frequency of cupping massage procedures determined by the attending physician.
• After the procedure, you must rest for at least 30 minutes in a warm room.
Attention! Do not use the cups on the neck front part, on the thyroid gland area, spine, heart area, kidney, and mammary glands of women. Do not massage the popliteal fossa area and inner thighs!
Therapeutic effects of cupping massage.
1. In case of osteochondrosis make sliding massage movements from the waist to the neck. Particular attention is paid to massage zones located 2-3cm from the spinous processes of spine. Movement straight, move cups up with an effort so that in front of cup must move a skin fold, movement downwards – without efforts.
2. In case of cervical osteochondrosis make a circular motion with a cup around of the seventh vertebra (to find it, you must incline your head to probe the cervical vertebrae, it will be the most projecting vertebra). Direction of motion - clockwise without touching the seventh vertebra, a massage time is 1 - 1.5 min. After that do massage of trapezoid muscles from a head to shoulders.
3. In case of colds, bronchitis, pneumonia - massage the back from bottom corners of blades to the shoulders, the lateral surface of the chest, as well as from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the left and right shoulder. Under the action of cupping massage moves mucus, improves breathing, decreases body temperature. After the procedure the patient should be wraped with a blanket, and take a cup of tea with lemon or raspberry.
In case of lumbar muscles scoliosis do massage along the waist, in case of myositis of forearm muscles - the muscles of back side of the neck and back. In case of sciatica - the lumbar area, and if the pain irradiate in the leg, then massage also back side of the leg from popliteal fossa to the gluteal crease.
Attention! Do not massage the popliteal fossa area and inner thighs!
4. In case of cellulite carry out cup massage of the thigh muscles and buttocks. Moving of the cups circular, zigzag, straight (all kinds of movements, 5 - 6 times). Under the influence of cupping massage is a mechanical rupture of fat cells. To enhance the effect do grease the surface with anti-cellulite massage cream. Massage course - 1 month.
5. In order to increase immunity of weakened, long ill, applied the method of autohemotherapy, which consists in imposing the cups to skin of buttocks for 30 -60 seconds in the big vacuum mode. Massage Course - 10 days.
6. In case of trauma massage is used in postimmobilisation period for normalization of blood and lymph flow, removing the pain, edema resorption, for regeneration and repair of tissues, normalization of the redox processes. Massages starts above hypostasis place (reflex-distraction), gradually descending to adjacent to affected areas.
All procedures should be agreed with physician.