The cup massage procedure is a simple treatment that gives impressive results. A cup massage helps release the rigid soft tissue through negative pressure and suction, it also helps drain off excess toxins and fluids your body may be retaining, it can help to loosen adhesions and lift the connective tissues. This helps increase the blood flow to the skin and muscles that may have problems with partial atrophy.
- Diameter of glass cup - 45mm
- Height (together with a rubber bulb) - 85mm
- Before the procedure disinfect the cupping glass with any disinfectant.
- During the massage it is recommended to the patient to be relaxed laying on the back or semisitting in the armchair.
- Before starting the vacuum massage procedure the massaged area skin must be greased well with the massage oil or olive oil, or cream. Never use the glasses on dry skin.
- Before the procedure check to be sure that there is no chopped off and cracks at the edges of the glass bulbs.
- Performing the circular and helical movements on the massage lines (see figure) you should work out the soft tissues of the face all over the surface of the nose, forehead and chin.
- The movements should be repeated few times, gradually increasing the vacuum degree in the prescribed limits.
- Vacuum massage procedure should not cause any unpleasant sensations and doesn't have to be painful.
- Recommended procedure duration is 5 - 15 minutes.
- Finish procedure by slight effleurages and stroking.
Kinetic vacuum-therapy (cupping massage)
Attention! Before installing, check the cups surface adjacent to the patient's skin for cracks and chips.
• It is perfect to make vacuum massage on warmed up smooth tissue. Such effect has the bath or sauna. If not, you can take a warm shower or bath. Lubricate the massaged surface with massage cream or massage oil.
• Place the cun regulating the vacuum force by container compression, thus it is necessary to consider the patient skin sensitivity, his age and physical condition.
• Make a smooth sliding movement by a stucked cup in the direction of each massage line (as shown in the picture), 5-10 times. The optimal time- 30 minutes (15 min for each leg), but if you do not have time, then 10 minutes will be enough also.
• Depending on problem complexity, the course of vacuum therapy can constitute from 10 to 15 sessions. The interval between treatments - 1-2 days. Repeated course can be made after 2-3 weeks.
• Frequency of cupping massage procedures determined by the attending physician.
• After the procedure, you must rest for at least 30 minutes in a warm room.
Attention! Do not use the cups on the neck front part, on the thyroid gland area, spine, heart area, kidney, and mammary glands of women. Do not massage the popliteal fossa area and inner thighs!
All procedures should be agreed with physician.
Self Massage lines with vacuum cups
Vitiligo therapy
Anti cellulite massager is a main helpful device for gaining health and beauty. It is well known that anti cellulite massage is effective in normalization of blood and lymph circulation, reducing stress, increasing arouses sensation of the body, making skin more elastic and flexible. It is also the major way for dispelling cellulite from influenced areas and from the places of your body that have not yet been treated.
Vacuum cupping massage is one of numerous methods of anti cellulite massage that can be done with the use of massage cupping-glass and any kind of massage oil or cream. Vacuum cupping massage is a part of vacuum therapy that is available for everybody and can be done on every day bases. If you buy this anti cellulite massager and use it at least for 10-15 minutes per day the result will be visible even after a short period.
We offer massage cupping-glasses for body and face vacuum massage of different diameter and silicone massage cupping-glasses.