Free shipping worldwide - Scenar, Rikta laser , Mishin coils , CEM TECH and lot of other health products from Russia
We are not ship medicines to Germany,
Austria ,Poland , Estonia and to some other EU countries.
If you live in EU please contact with us before purchase
and we discuss your order and terms of delivery
If your shipping address in Australia please contact us before pay for order
Dear friends,
Our world has entered an era of crisis.
Every day we face new challenges - we solve our economic problems, we worry about political conflicts, we resist pandemics.
But the most important issue for all of us is taking care of health.
Therefore, in spite of everything, our site continues to work for you.
The heath and beauty products and devices are available in our warehouse .
We send parcels around the world, as always for free.
Due to restrictions due to the political situation, delivery times are slightly extended and delivery to some countries is temporarily unavailable. Contact us for details.
We will try to find a way out and do everything possible for you!
And in general, if you need something, contact us without any problems!☺
Warmest regards. Your Kalinka- store
We ship worldwide!
- free delivery by air mail, shipping tracking number will be sent to your e-mail;
Due to different countries having different customs restrictions, everything related to customs clearance and customs payments remain the responsibility of the buyer.
If you have questions, please contact us prior to shipping the goods, we will do everything in our power to save you from any problems.