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RITM SCENAR Home Chans- Scenar Basic model

 RITM SCENAR Home   Chans- Scenar Basic model
Product Code :26
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  • $345.00

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Kalinka-store provides you with the opportunity to buy the original SCENAR devices and electrodes.

These devices are manufactured in Russia by OKB RITM. Devices are certified by the standarts of ISO-9001, FDA and CE in Europe.

We provide our customers instructions in English and free warranty for 12 months.

More details about you can find here.

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On these videos you see old model of the device. Now the design of the device changed but ruled treatments and techniques didn't change.







           RITM SCENAR HOME    CHANS SCENAR  Basic models  


                                    Scenar for beginners

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The general therapeutic effect of all device models is almost similar, differencing only by additional functions and treatment options, which can provide a quicker effect, but require training on how to use them.






  • frequency - 90 Hz;
  • "frequency modulation" - 30...120 Hz;
  • amplitude modulation - 3:1;
  • dosed mode - for any modes and their possible combinations;

There are more than 10 varieties of SCENAR - electrodes. Not all parts of the body are easy to access by an electrode built into the device. The remote electrodes were designed for the treatment of the mucous membranes, eyes, nose, ears, gums, and surfaces with complex contours (fingers, joints) as well as to be used for the large areas of the body (back, lower back).

Chens-Scenar BASIC  with one fixed frequency 90 Hz was specially designed to reduce any pain, to treat respiratory diseases, to restore organs from traumas, burns, frostbites.

Ease to operate, reliability and high effectiveness of CHENS-SCENAR devices got them deserved nickname - "Family Doctor".

Chens-Scenar-Basic model is the optimal choice for home use.

According to its curative properties the Basic scenar is comparable with Chance - Scenar 01

 It has 1 frequency (90 Hz, the "optimal") and working in the "swept frequency", "amplitude

modulation" and "dosed" modes.

There are more than 10 varieties of SCENAR - electrodes. Not all parts of the body are easy to access by an electrode built into the device. The remote electrodes were designed for the treatment of the mucous membranes, eyes, nose, ears, gums, and surfaces with complex contours (fingers, joints) as well as to be used for the large areas of the body (back, lower back).

You may use CHENS-SCENAR:

  • to treat home traumas (wounds, abrasion, scratches, soft tissue bruises, muscle strains, sprains, I and II degree burns and frostbites);
  • to alleviate or eliminate aches and pains of well-known origin (headache, toothache, radiculitis pain, menstrual pain, as well as pains in oncological patients - to improve life quality);
  • to treat crush syndrome, intoxication, wounds when different accidents occur (until qualified medical care is provided);
  • for normalization of sleep;
  • for blood pressure normalization;
  • to treat acute respiratory diseases and viral respiratory infections;
  • for decongestion (edema removal);
  • to help out of a shock, faint, heart attack (until qualified medical care is provided);
  • for cosmetic treatment (face-lifting, wrinkle removal, skin aging prophylaxis).

Under doctor's guidance you can use CHENS-SCENAR devices to treat:

  • nervous system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory system; - cardiovascular system;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • digestive apparatus;
  • urogenital system;
  • tooth diseases

as well as:

  • for prophylaxis of adverse reaction to drugs;
  • for prophylaxis of postvaccinal complications in children and adults;
  • to associate chemo- and radiotherapy in cancer patients.

In various cases (i.e. for various diseases) different frequency values can be optimal. The frequencies ranging from 60 to 90 Hz are the most optimal. That is why basic model has one "universal" frequency - 90 Hz, and the frequency modulation mode - from 30 to 120 Hz, i.e. "oscillating" frequency. And this is enough for lay users to achieve the desired effect.

Version 01 can also operate at frequencies of 14, 60, 320 Hz, what expands its field of application.

Light version 02 has no the "oscillating frequency", but it has another operating frequency - 60 Hz - that is actuated simultaneously with dosing mode.

The main therapeutic effect of all the devices is practically the same. The devices differ only by their extra options. Great potentials can give a faster effect but to achieve it you should learn to use them properly. Add-on probes can be connected both to the CHANS-SCENAR devices and to professional SCENAR-devices.

How to help yourself, if traditional treatments do not produce the expected effect?

Can you be healthy without medicines?  How to help yourself and your family to get rid of the pain, to strengthen immunity, to cure chronic disease? How to save money on treatment?

Scenar devices - is your loyal assistant, "a doctor in your pocket". It will be always with you at home, in the car or in the office. It is simple and easy to use. With no side effects.

Scenar is a portable medical device. Ritm Scenar was invented more than 30 years ago in Russia in the Taganrog Experimental Design Bureau named RITM. At that period the Skenar devices were designed and developed within the framework of the military and space medicine. Now the scenar therapy is well known in over than 40 countries around the world, it's available to everyone and thousands of physicians successfully use it in their daily work. Scenar  devices have ISO-9001, FDA certificates in the U.S., Australia and CE certificate in Europe. Only the device made in Russia in the Experimental Design Bureau RITM is a true original Scenar - Ritm Scenar.

The device was improved and now everyone can buy a consumer or a professional version of this wonderful instrument. Professional Scenar have the additional features and diagnostic functions. Also, over 10 types of remote electrodes were created. With the help of remote electrodes the mucosal surfaces, scalp, ear passages, gums, etc. can be processed.

What is SCENAR?

This is a device used for the electrotherapy which means that it effects on the body by electrical impulse.

The size of SCENAR resembles a television remote control. A few buttons that allow selecting the exposure mode are located on the front surface. A metallic electrode is located on the reverse side.

Attach electrodes to the raw place, press the button and the healing process has begun.

What makes Scenar so special?

  • The impulse produced by the device is very similar to the impulses of our nervous system so the body considers such impulse as "its own" and is not trying to reject it or to defend itself.
  • The device provides biofeedback.

How does it work?

As there is an interconnection between our skin and organs, their malfunction is necessarily reflected on the skin. As a result, the skin is a kind of the information field, carrying data on the state of the sick organs. Acting upon the skin, we have the possibility to act from outside upon the sick organs and functional systems.

The impulses produced by the SCENAR, affect the body and it causes its reaction. As a result of this many parameters, including impedance of the skin at the point of contact change.

It is known that in case of malfunction of an organ the skin changes its electrical conductivity, capacitance and temperature in certain areas. The sensitivity of the skin is increasing and when you touch it you feel pain.

The device reads these changes of parameters of the skin and reacts to them. It generates new impulses different from the previous ones. The device is not imposing its will on the body. It becomes as a part of the body, begins a dialogue and gives the effect that the body needs at this very moment. It is as if the body adjusts to health, to restore the lost functions, to normalization of the entire body working.

The scenar therapy has no side effects. Its harmless and noninterventional. The impulses produced by the Scenar can not harm.

Today there are 3 types of SCENAR household appliances:

  • Chens - Scenar 01
  • Chens - Scenar 02
  • and Chens-Scenar basic model

The summary table of parameters

CharacteristicsBasic modelChens scenar 01Chans Scenar 02
Frequency9014, 60, 90, 32090, 60
Amplitude modulation3:13:1Combined with 60 Hz
Frequency modulation30-12030-120-
Dosed modeFor any modes and their possible combinationsFor any modes and their possible combinations

Combined with 60 Hz, 3:1


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