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Vitafon-5 home vibroacoustic therapy device Newest version

Vitafon-5 home vibroacoustic therapy device Newest version
Product Code :436
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  • $490.00

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The vibro-acoustic device “VITAFON-5”  is intended for application in institutions of therapeutic and prophylactic medicine and sanatoria, as well as at home on the recommendation and under the supervision of a medical specialist.

The influence of modulated mechanical vibrations of low intensity (microvibration) in the acoustic frequency range on tissues and organs allows to achieve the visible therapeutic effect. When the vibroacoustic transducer directly contacts the surface layers of the skin the microvibration penetrates into the tissues (within the radius and at the depth of 7-10 cm) and a selective effect on different biological structures occurs, and the compensation for deficiency of microvibration in tissues and organs of the human body arises.

The device has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgetic, trophic and regenerative effect. It is used for the treatment of functional disorders associated with the disturbance of innervation of organs and tissues, as well as to enhance immunity, promote good health, consolidate the therapeutic effect upon the recovery and as a preventive measure.





  • Osteochondrosis, radiculitis
  • Diseases of the joints, arthritis, rheumatoid polyarthritis
  • High blood pressure, including that with a renal origin
  • Prostatitis
  • Impotence
  • Adenoma of the prostate gland
  • Inflammation of the epididymis
  • Infertility due to blockage of the testicular duct as a result of inflammation (deferentitis)
  • Cystitis
  • Urinary and faecal incontinence
  • Chronic colitis
  • Chronic pyelonephritis
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Constipation
  • Maxillary sinusitis
  • Head cold, running nose
  • Tonsillitis, sore throat
  • Bronchitis
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Insomnia
  • Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis)
  • Neurosensory hearing disorder
  • Fractures
  • After-effects (sequelae) of spinal injuries
  • After-effects (sequelae) of infantile cerebral palsy, flaccid paralysis
  • Effects (sequelae) of scoliosis
  • Tissue oedema (swelling), haematoma, bruises, boils, carbuncles, acne
  • Wounds, surgical incisions
  • Sprains, dislocations
  • Burns, scalds
  • Frostbite, chilblains
  • Corns
  • Trophic ulcers
  • The mouth -periodontitis, stomatitis, parodontosis
  • Chronic gastroduodenitis
  • Disruptions of the menstrual cycle
  • Serous mastitis, lactostasis
  • Cosmetic purposes
  • Restoring and developing the voice
  • Alleviating fatigue
  • In sports training
  • Prevention of diseases


The application of the device is contraindicated:
– in the near ten centimeters from malignant neoplasms;
during pregnancy nearer ten centimeters from the fetus;
– in the near ten centimeters from a blood clot in case of thrombophlebitis;
– in the near ten centimeters from the atherosclerotic formation in case of advanced atherosclerosis;

– in the acute phase of infectious diseases and in case of high (more than 38.5 РѕРЎ ) temperature of the body (except when there is a specific methodic recommendation);
– in the vicinity of the implanted pacemakers.

If in particular body areas there are organs containing stones larger than 4 mm (gall bladder, urinary tract, etc.), the therapy should be preformed only by microvibration of low intensity (vibraphone with white marking) on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor or in the availability of emergency care.



Operational parameters:       
The number of micro vibration frequency subranges :

  • Lower frequency of 1 subrange, within  30±10 Hz       
  • Higher frequency of 1 subrange, within  1000±200 Hz       
  • Lower frequency of 2 subrange, within  240±80 Hz       
  • Higher frequency of 2 subrange, within  8500±1500 Hz       

Duration of one cycle of the micro vibration frequency change:
60±10 s

The micro vibration amplitude at lowest frequency:

  • In set with B1 vibrophones   4 ± 2 µm,
  • In set with B2 vibrophones   10 ± 2 µm,
  • In set with quadruple vibrophones B1+B2  (4±2) / (10±2) μm


Basic technical characteristics:

  • Mains voltage – alternating current 220±22 V
  • Mains frequency 50 Hz
  • Power consumption no more than 8 VA
  • Direct current voltage 12,6 ± 1,3 V
  • Can be used without brake no more than 8h
  • Usually usable for 5 years
  • Weight 2 kg
  • Dimensions: 
    - electric block - 121x 70 x 24 mm 
    - mains block - 80 x 50 x 90 mm.


Package contains: 

1. Device electrical block Vitafon 5 with integrated battery
2. Adaptor for alternating current
3. Plastic cover for vibrophones - 4pcs
4. Dual vibrofones (green) - 2pcs
5.  Dual vibrofones (white) - 2pcs
6. Splitter - 2pcs
7. Handbag
8. English  manual in PDF

Devices electrical block Vitafon 5 with intagrated battery,
I sent you ehglish operating manual.
European standard electric plug
  • Supply Voltage: 220 volt
In the USA, Japan, and UK an adapter will be needed.
A NOTE for US customers: you will need to convert US voltage from 110 V AC to 220-240 V AC. Using an adaptor will not affect the device functionality.
 two sets of vibrophones: dual vibrophones (green) and quadruple vibrophones (dual green and dual white),
users guide in english language and
a handbag.

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