Set of 3 bottles - 5 ml each bottle
Eye drops are Vizomitin group pharmacological drugs with cerato protective and antioxidant properties. They are used in ophthalmology for the treatment of various eye diseases, especially accompanied by lacrimal fluid disorders synthesis.
Using eye drops Vizomitin shown in the development of dry eye syndrome (insufficient number of products lacrimal fluid or change its properties) and at an early stage of development of age-related cataract, in which it is possible to significantly slow the progression of the pathological process with the help of medication.
Using eye drops Vizomitin contraindicated in case of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the active ingredient and auxiliary ingredients. Also, the drug does not apply to children under 18 years.
Dosing and Administration
Preparation Vizomitin only applied topically in the form of a solution in the instillation of the eye conjunctival sac. Dosage is 1-2 drops 3 times a day. Duration of treatment determines Ophthalmologist individually, depending on the severity of symptoms and the dynamics of the pathological process in the eyes, it is generally a period of time from several months to six months. During complex treatment of senile cataract held periodic medical examination ophthalmologist to appoint a possible surgical intervention on the lens of the eye.
Side effects
Eye drops Vizomitin generally well tolerated. As a side effect after application and can develop local reactions in the eye in the form of a burning sensation, cramps, redness of the conjunctiva.
special instructions
Before the start of the application of eye drops Vizomitin need to read the instructions to the drug. It is important to pay attention to a few special instructions, which include:
Do not use contact lenses during application of eye drops Vizomitin.
We do not recommend the use of eye drops Vizomitin pregnant and lactating women, as safety of the drug reliably known.
The drug has no direct impact on the speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration. After instillation of the eye in a short period of time developed blurred vision, it is necessary to take into account the drivers or persons whose activity requires sufficient visual acuity.
Terms and conditions of storage
Shelf life Vizomitin eye drops since their production is 2 years. The opened bottle can be stored for a time no more than 1 month. The drug should not be used after the expiry of its validity (indicated on the package). Eye drops should be stored in a dark, dry place inaccessible to children at temperature of air in the range of +2 to + 8 ° C.
In 2004, a new substance called SkQ1 was synthesized in the group of professor Vladimir P. Skulachev in the Moscow State University. ” The name SkQ1 was given to the substance as the first representative of a particularly potent class of molecules named “SkQ” – the term introduced by the team to describe molecules containing ion Sk an a quinone.
A part of SkQ1 coined “Skulachev ion” or Sk functions as a molecular “locomotive” or “towing truck” carrying the other part of the molecule – an extremely active antioxidant plastoquinone – into mitochondria. Both theoretical calculations and experimental results showed that SkQ1 is delivered into mitochondria in an extremely targeted and efficient manner. The physics of mitochondrial membrane and the unusual properties of “Skulachev ions” direct SkQ1 into the inner leaflet of the inner mitochondrial membrane with high precision.
Presence of SkQ1 in mitochondrial membrane enables mitochondria to protect itself from reactive oxygen species (ROS) by breaking chain reaction of lipid destruction. This ability of our molecule to protect cells against oxidative stress plays a very important role in treating patients suffering from various age-related disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders and various ophthalmic conditions.
But our technology does not end there. Developing methods for effective delivery of mitochondrially addressed antioxidants into organism is another challenging task. Mitotech successfully solved this complex problem for a variety of therapeutic areas and designed several SkQ1-based pharmaceutical products going through various stages of clinical development.