Magic ribbon Lyapko.
Elastic ribbon 4.86 meters long with bandage rubber and 3.96 meters without bandage rubber, 22 mm wide.
The distance between needles is 4.3 mm.
The ribbon comprises of 5 segments. Segment is the part of the ribbon 44 cm approximately.
Each ribbon comprises of working part (with needles) and bandage rubber (without needles) for soft ribbon fixation on body. Applicator “Health” magic ribbon” is very elastic and sparing the skin ribbon with fixed “cells” of needles. Taping the ribbon can be done either under the medical supervision or by yourself in home conditions. The increased coverage area has a unique healing effect upon the body in the healing process of almost all acupuncture points of the treated area. The feeling of lightness, warmth and relaxation occurs after taping the applicator with full restoration of strength and energy of the body. Pressing intensity of ribbon’s needles to the skin is regulated in the process of taping. The ribbon does not restrict movement and allows you making active movements, complex warm-up or remedial exercises. • Assists in treatment and prevention of various diseases; • Reduces or eliminates headaches, pain in the spine, joints and muscles; • Makes it easier to recover from physical exertion in sports; • Provides rapid recovery (after an injury, muscle strain, fractures, surgical operations) due to a significant acceleration of biochemical, oxidation-reduction processes in the body; • Increases the efficiency of massage, manual therapy in 2-3 times; • Increases power and speed endurance of athletes; • Increases the efficiency of the body. Duration of application session depends on the type of exposure: - tonic – from 7 to 10 minutes; - calming effect, help with chronic diseases – 20 minutes; - acute pain removal – from 10 to 30 minutes; - increasing of efficiency, endurance of body – from 8 to 12 minutes; - recovery after trainings, games – from 15 to 30 minutes; - recovery after injuries, surgical operations, etc. - tape 2-3 times a day for 2-10 minutes above or below the damaged area. If you have an access and the skin integrity is preserved, the damaged zone can also be treated. When hands or legs are injured it is necessary to tape the symmetrical location of the damaged area of the healthy limb. It is desirable to affect the zone of the spine in the area of corresponding innervation of the roots of cerebro-spinial nerves simultaneously or sequentially. • To switch-on super possibilities, additional adaptive mechanisms, the session may be extended up to 40-60 minutes with an additional constraint breathing limitation through volitional effort or with the help of respiratory pyramid. Upon completion of applications a short massage or inunction of oils based on medical herbs and other useful natural ingredients is desirable
Features of Lyapko Applicator:
- it enhances vitality and working efficiency, normalizes sleep and metabolism, raises spirits;
- it renders assistance in curing and preventing disorders of gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems;
- it eliminates sexual disorders with subsequent normalization of men and women's sexual functions; in treatment of gynecological diseases, it helps to cure disorders of ovarian-menstrual cycle;
- it alleviates pain in the spinal column, joints and muscles, removes headaches;
- it helps to normalize hormonal balance, metabolic processes during endocrinopathy (the obese lose weight, the emaciated gain the required kilograms);
- it increases the efficiency of such methods as massage, auricular and classic acupuncture, manual and laser therapy, microwave resonance therapy (when used in combination with them or prior to their use) 2 to 3 times;
- it renders assistance in quitting pernicious habits (alcoholism, tobacco smoking);
- it makes it possible to reduce the amount of consumed drugs and eventually discontinue taking them altogether.
Applicators can be utilized in medical institutions, sanatoria, and at home.
Lyapko Applicators have no analogues in the world as they are unique in their multifactor character and treatment power as well as effectiveness and efficiency, their application being simple and reliable. The Applicator mobilizes inner resources, stimulates physiologically reasonable dosage of natural "medicines" production inside human organism and compensates the deficit of motive activity.
The applicator properties.
The applicator has large area of stimulation. It makes almost all the acupuncture points, located in zone of stimulation, take part in the process of treatment. The applicator is made in a way that enables a patient to regulate the pressing intensity, and move freely during the session without damaging the skin.
The applicator-belt "Magic ribbon" effectively removes pain, if there are any extremities vessels illnesses (varicose veins, endarteritis, angiopathy), it makes the circulation normal, improves microcirculation and trophism, removes lymphostasis, actively struggles against cellulites and obesity.
By sliding the needle elements, like beads in the abacus, it is possible to produce a few variants of stimulation (different in force and intensity):
- Harmonized stimulation is produced when the applicator "is bandaged" evenly to the extremities or certain parts of the body.
- Concentrated stimulation is produced when maximum number of the needle elements are slid together in order to affect certain zones.
- Scattered stimulation is produced when the needle elements are slid apart along the ribbon and fixed on the problem sites and biologically active points region at some distance from each other.
- Selective stimulation is produced when the needle elements are slid together in the region and are slid apart in another.
It is possible to change the zones of stimulation without taking the applicator off. The duration of the stimulation depends on the pathological process stage:
- for acute forms apply the applicator for 10-15 minutes, 1-2 times a day;
- for chronic forms apply the applicator for 20-50 minutes, 1-3 times a day.