This box include 5 vials 10 ml each
Gamavit - complex drug the main active ingredients of which are the placenta the denatured emulsified (PDE) and nucleinate of sodium drug is made in a liquid form on the basis of the growth medium containing the balanced solution of salts of amino acids and vitamins
By outward represents transparent, red liquid.
Drug is packaged on 2,5,6, by 10,50, 100 or 450 ml in the sterile bottles of neutral glass rolled by aluminum caps.
Store drug at a temperature from + 4 to + 25, without allowing freezing. Period of storage - 1 year from the date of production.
Drug in bottles with the broken integrity, at opacification or discoloration, availability of foreign impurity, at the expired period of validity or disturbance of storage conditions and transportation is not suitable for use.
Gamavit contains a complex of biological active agents which optimize exchange processes in an organism, normalizes a blood count, increases bactericidal activity of blood serum, renders immunomod - it and general biotoning to a deys - a. Is a biogenic stimulator and an adaptogen, reduces a postnatal mortality, increases viability of posterity increases operability of muscles and resistance of animals to the raised loadings and a stress. The source of substrates of a metabolism, promotes increase in growth.
USE Drug is used for prevention and treatment of different diseases as biotonic at anemias, gipovitaminoza, at infek - x and invaz - x zab - x, to a pyometra, at poisonings, in posleoperats - y the period, at pregnancy toxicoses, childbirth, by preparation is live - x to an exhibition, sorev - m and trainings.
For the purpose of professional ki of Gamavit enter on 0,1 ml on 1 kg of body weight it is live - go (professional I am a dose), with lech - oh purpose – on 0,3 - 0,5 ml on weight kg. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intramusculary, intravenously, perhaps vypaivany.
For the purpose of professional ki of anemias, gipovitaminoz, weakened, old it is live - m, during the recovery period after the postponed diseases and operations drug is appointed vnmyshechno1 - 3 once a week. Duration of a course averages 2 - 4 weeks and more.
- at the raised loadings, for strengthening of stability it is live - x to technology stresses, the drug is administered before stressful influence once or a course in 8,6,4 days prior to and just before influence a stress factor.
- for increase of breeding effeciency it is necessary to enter in a dose 0,025 - 0,05 ml on weight kg in day of fertilization, for
For preventive purposes
- In the post-vaccination period, in the recovery period after diseases, old and weak animals, as well as anemia, acidosis, intoxication, a dose of Gamavit is injected intramuscularly 1 to 3 times a week at the rate of 01 cm³ per 1 kg of animal mass.
- To increase the weight of the young during fattening, the Gamavit dose is administered subcutaneously 1 time per day at the rate of 0.1 cm ³ per 1 kg of animal weight, at the beginning of the fattening period it is administered on days 1, 4 and 9.
- To preserve newborn calves and piglets, intramuscular injection is administered once a day at a rate of 0.1 cm³ per 1 kg of weight per 1, 5, 10 and 21 days of life.
- For resistance to stress during competitions, exhibitions, transportation, the drug is administered intramuscularly once just before the load or course for 8, 6 and 4 days before the start of the load.
- To increase the safety and increase the weight gain in broiler chickens, the drug is given to them to drink. The preparation Gamavit for birds is diluted with water at the rate of 5 cm³ of drug per 1 liter of water and poured into the drinking trough at the rate of 2 hours of birds' need for water. Giving to drink solution Gamavit for chickens need for 2 hours 1 time per day and so 5 days in a row.
For therapeutic purposes
- In case of infectious and invasive diseases, the drug is administered intramuscularly 2 or 3 times a day at a dose of 0.5 cm³ per 1 kg of animal weight
The treatment period is 3 to 5 days. - When deworming, the drug is administered intramuscularly 2 times, once with a dose of 0.3 cm³ per 1 kg of animal mass per day of deworming and a second time with the same dose every other day.
- In case of poisoning, Gemavit or Gemavit Forte can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously, 2 times a day with a dose of 0.5 to 2.5 cm³ per 1 kg of animal weight.
Gamavit, solution for injections. The drug is injected subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously, possibly watering.
Dose for dogs:
Preventive - 0.1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight.
Curative - 0.3-0.5 ml per 1 kg of animal weight.
Emergency - 1-2.5 ml per 1 kg of animal weight.
The drug is administered in different schemes: 1 time, 1-3 times a day, 2-3 times a week.