The BactoSfera DARSONVAL darsonvalization device is the best solution for local darsonvalization both in the professional field and at home. It is used for the prevention and treatment of dermatological, therapeutic, neurological, surgical, dental, ENT diseases, as well as for the purpose of improving hair and skin rejuvenation.
Scope of application - cosmetology, medicine, everyday life.
Darsonvalization is a physiotherapeutic method of influencing the skin and mucous membranes of a person with a high-frequency pulsed alternating microcurrent. The basis of the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the apparatus for darsonvalization is its corona discharge, which occurs between the surface of the body and the electrode. Under the influence of current pulses, blood circulation increases, which leads to improved metabolism, saturation of tissues with oxygen and essential nutrients.
Darsonval is equipped with all existing 17 nozzles-electrodes, including three basic ones: «Universal» for delicate spot treatment, «Circle» multifunctional for the whole body, «Comb» for hair.
For the most comfortable and effective darsonvalization procedures with any parts of the body, the appropriate target nozzles.
Darsonval is used: for hair, for the face, for the forehead, for the head, for the neck, for the back and lower back, for the body, for the skin, for the treatment of ENT, for the ears, for the throat, for the nose, for the eyes, for the eyes , for joints, acne, warts and papillomas, cellulite, varicose veins, wrinkles, stretch marks, bags under the eyes, dandruff, runny nose, sinusitis, otitis media, dermatitis and psoriasis, hemorrhoids and prostatitis .
The advantages of the BactoSfera DARSONVAL device for darsonvalization:
- The most compact, easy-to-use, minimalistic and stylish model that has no analogues in the world. Compactness is achieved through the use of modern micro-electro-mechanical components and a complex multi-gear power control assembly.
- Convenient smooth stepless power control with ON/OFF position
- European quality. Modern technologies and fully automated conveyor assembly have made it possible to reduce the cost of production and, accordingly, form the minimum market price for the consumer.
- BactoSfera DARSONVAL – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-01 «Universal» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-02 «Circle» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-03 «Comb» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-04 «Universal thin»
- Electrode BS-05 «Nasal» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-06 «Gums» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-07 «Ears» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-08 «Wart» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-09 «Dot» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-10 «Rectal» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-11 «Vaginal» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-12 «Circle small» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-13 «Circle big» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-14 «T-shaped» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-15 «Contact-remote» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-16 «Three-pin» – 1 pc
- Electrode BS-17 «Arc» – 1 pc
- Case for electrodes – 1 pc
- Bag – 1 pc
- Passport – 1 pc
- Warranty – 1 pc
European standard electric plug
Voltage requirements:
Supply Voltage: 220 volt
In the USA, Japan, and UK an adapter will be needed.
A NOTE for US customers: you will need to convert US voltage from 110 V AC to 220-240 V AC (you can choose an adaptor for example HERE).
The instruction is in English language.
Free shipping worldwide.