Inhaler Manhold ( glass) + 5 ml rosemary essential oil
Inhaler Maholda: Classic - universal device for inhalation with essential oils and herbal tinctures. Maholda inhaler - an effective tool for the prevention and treatment:respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, tracheitis);diseases of the cardiovascular system (angina, hypertension. hypotension);dysfunctions of the nervous system (insomnia, nervousness, stress, apathy, depression);enhanced protective functions.
Operating manual
1. Rinse inhaler with hot water before use . If before the inhaler was used by another user, sterilise it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes and let cool down few time.
2. For the inhalation mixture, pour through a funnel a small amount (3-5 ml) of warm water and add a pipette essential oil or a mixture of essential oils according to the table of dosages:
adults - 2-4 drops of essential oil, the duration of inhalation of 4-5 min for the elderly and children under 10 years - 1-2 drops, the duration of inhalation 1-2 min.
Inhalation is necessary to carry out 2-4 times per day for treatment , as a profilactic measure - 1 time per day.
3. The inhaler is ready to use.
Inhalation through the mouth
Inhale through mouth, exhale through the nose. Do not breathe out into the inhaler, as thus there is air flow, which can throw out the inhalation mixture.
Inhaled through the nose
Breathe inhalation mixture through the nose, out through your mouth.
4. Observe the time of inhalation, and the duration of a course of aromatherapy, the doses in the table.
Before the procedure is necessary to test for the absence of an allergic reaction to the essential oil used, or a mixture of essential oils.
Inhalation should not be performed immediately after a meal or physical stress, you must wait at least 1-2 hours;
After inhalation need to rest for 15-20 minutes (30-40 minutes in the cold season);
After inhalation should not strain the vocal cords and smoke for 1-2 hours.
Contraindications for inhaled:
exacerbation of asthma;
acute pneumonia;
acute heart failure with cardiac rhythm disturbances;