Goose fat /oil 250 ml. Made in Russia
Heals eczema, they can lubricate dry skin. Dry skin from goose fat becomes normal faster than from the most expensive moisturizing creams.
Goose fat contains more polyunsaturated acids such as oleic acid. Due to its medicinal properties, goose fat is superior to many animal fats. Treatment with goose fat is used in frostbite, skin diseases, in the treatment of burns. Also used for diseases of the respiratory system (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis), with ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the body's immunity.
Goose fat has several advantages. First of all, this fat is monounsaturated. Its chemical structure is the same as that of olive oil, whose beneficial effect on the body does not need proof. Goose fat can withstand high temperatures (more than 200 * C), without changing its molecular structure. Therefore, it is easily digested and, even when heated, does not adversely affect the cardiovascular system.
It has warming properties, softens the skin. A person who received local frostbite, a thick layer of smeared affected areas.