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Ecosvet 1 Home Device For Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) therapy immune support against viral infection

Ecosvet 1  Home  Device For Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) therapy  immune support  against viral infection
Product Code :Ec1
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  • $720.00

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                    ECOSVET-1  home therapy device for UVBI therapy

                           English manual  Free shipping  worldwide 



Biomolecular mechanisms of action of ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI)
UVBI is a method of influencing the blood with quanta of light from the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. The method has been used in medicine for over 80 years.
The biological effect of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is due to the ability of the molecules of substances that make up the cells of living organisms to absorb radiation quanta and, as a result, to be involved in various photochemical reactions that change their structure and functions. The mechanism of action of irradiated blood on a person is complex and diverse. Until now, there is no unified theory about the effect of UVR on the human body, along with this, scientists have proved that under the influence of UVR, the bactericidal activity of blood and inactivated toxic substances and enzymes is sharply increased by their oxidation. At the second stage, the function of blood cells is activated in the irradiated blood and they release a large number of nonspecific factors of immunity. Under the influence of quantum energy, new surfactants are formed on the surface of erythrocytes, which change the electric charge on the membrane, which reduces the viscosity of the blood and increases its oxygen capacity.
In the therapeutic effect of UVBI, a certain place belongs to the restructuring of the body’s immune system. A good clinical effect of the use of UFOA is associated with the improvement of microcirculation by reducing the viscosity of the blood, as well as with the cleaning of blood vessels from fibrin deposits, which causes an increase in the speed of peripheral blood flow and improves the supply of oxygen to tissues.
The most important effects of UVBI include its bactericidal effect. Acting on some substances of the bacterial cell, ultraviolet rays have a bactericidal effect on the patient’s blood. It has been established that the bactericidal effect of photomodified blood is much similar to that of antibiotics.

Thus, UVBI provides the following therapeutic effects:
improvement of microcirculation;
increasing the oxygen capacity of the blood and increasing the oxygen supply to organs and tissues;
normalization and stimulation of regenerative and metabolic processes;
stimulation of regeneration, improvement of the functional properties of erythrocytes.
Despite the progress achieved in the study of the mechanisms of action of UFOA, research aimed at developing optimal treatment programs for various diseases continues.
The presented data clearly indicate the need for widespread use in everyday clinical practice of an effective and safe UFO method, both in a complex of therapeutic measures for a wide range of diseases and clinical conditions, and independently, especially in case of drug intolerance, inaccessibility or high cost of certain drugs. In this case, one should be guided by the principles: non-invasiveness, sufficient efficiency, safety, a wide range of therapeutic effects, easy to operate, compact. All these requirements are fully met by the unique domestic apparatus UFOK «Ecosvet 1».

                                    LIGHT PULSE THERAPY "ECOSVET-1":

                                             HOW THE DEVICE WORKS

1. Enhances intracellular and intercellular metabolism,
restores cell parameters, thanks to which it contributes to the restoration of protective (immune) properties and impaired functions of the body.
2. Reduces blood viscosity, preventing thrombosis
and opens additional capillaries. To the diseased body
more oxygen and nutrients are supplied, and harmful substances (including “extra” sugar and cholesterol) are excreted faster.
3. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, positively affects the overall resistance (protection from diseases) of the body,
contributes to the cure or prevention of a specific
disease, improves blood quality and markedly improves
general condition of the body. Promotes the activation of blood elements against all types of pathological infections.
Significantly increases blood circulation. Relieves pain.
4. Stimulates the processes of the nervous system, has a calming, sedative effect. Normalizes the work of the heart,
dilates blood vessels and stabilizes blood pressure,
restores healthy sleep.

Methods of operation

Depending on UVI mode the apparatus can be operated as follows:
MODE 1: position the radiating unit around cubital fossa (as a rule of the left arm, put palm upside on a support – table, stand, etc.) and press to skin. It is also possible to position the radiating unit at large arteries: in shoulder, inguinal, epigastric areas. If the radiating unit is pressed to the target surface with force up to 3 kg/sq.m the impact depth shall be increased by 2-3 times.

MODE 2: position the radiating unit at the distance of max. 10 mm above sites of damaged skin. Mode 2 shall be more effective at parallel operation of Mode 1. The apparatus is approved for use at home.


                        Positioning of radiating unit when performing procedures




Effects, achieved by application of the apparatus for treatment of:

1. Viral hepatitis: facilitates quick healing of skin cover, relieves headache, weakness, itching and burning in the area of eruptions. Significantly reduces recurrence rate.

2. Allergic diseases: less doses of medicine are required to stop attacks of diseases; weakens response of the organism to harmful season factors for a long time.

3. Rheumatopid arthritis: normalizes blood circulation; relieves pain, improves psychoemotional state.

4. Suppurative-inflammatory diseases: normalizes body temperature, improves biochemical blood test results.

5. Atherosclerosis: normalizes arterial pressure, calms, decreases anxiety level. Relieves from dizziness, improves sleep disorders. Decreases cardiac rate in case of tachycardia.

6. Type 2 diabetes: decreases blood sugar level. Improves general state of endocrine system. Prevents complications.

7. Coronary heart disease: improves blood circulation, controls arterial pressure, improves metabolism, facilitates recovery of coronary heart vessels.

8. Psoriasis: normalizes immune system, stabilizes metabolic processes, reduces eruptions and plaques.

9. Eye diseases: cures “dry eye” syndrome, normalizes blood circulation, relieves edema of eyelids.

10. Muscular injury, dislocations, strains and hematomas: relieves pain and edema, twice faster ensures rehabilitation. Efficient for healing of bed sores. Accelerates bone unions in case of fracture.

11. Prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza: stimulates body defences.



The main contraindications for use
• hypersensitivity to UVI,
• porphyria,
• thrombocytopenia, hypocoagulation,
• acute disorders of cerebral circulation,
• diseases of the liver and kidneys with severe dysfunction,
• hyperthyroidism,
• systemic lupus erythematosus,
• autoimmune diseases


        Technical characteristics of “Ecosvet 1” 
  • The apparatus is operated from the AC mains of (220 ± 22) V voltage, 50 Hz frequency.
    • Average power consumption is maximum 100 W.
    • The overall dimensions of the apparatus are maximum 210 x 140 x 60 mm, of the radiating unit – maximum ø80 x 200 mm.
    •  Net weight of the apparatus is maximum 2 kg.
    •  The effective spectral range is 305 – 405 nm in pulse mode with pulse duration of 10-3 s and frequency of 1.5 Hz,
    •  number of pulses (exposures) – 40.
    • Diameter of light spot at the distance of 10 mm from the diaphragm edge of radiating unit – at least 100 mm


Device Ecosvet : 1 piece;

Passport and operation manual in english : 1 piece;

Portable bag: 1 piece;


The apparatus can assist in treatment and healthcare of population, living on solar-deficient territories, especially suffering from lack of ultraviolet sunlight component, for instance in the Northern regions of the country. Sunlight deficiency affects human immunity, emphasizes adverse health impact of stresses in everyday life, causes chronic fatigue conditions. Together with limited availability of complete vitamins such environment not only contributes to decrease of labour productivity, but also deteriorates life quality and inevitably cause such negative consequences as chronic diseases due to immune disorders: metabolic diseases, endocrine pathologies, etc. People more often have catarrhal diseases: acute respiratory viral infections, upper respiratory tract infections, anginas.

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