Product directly from the manufacturer SPINOR company
BLUE additional irradiation head for the CEM TECH
57 - 63 gHz, (5,263 - 4,762 mm)
The Blue head corresponding to resonance frequencies of endocrine system:
- restore of endocrine glands structure
- further to restore hormone glands
- restorecentral, peripheral and vegetativenervous systems
- improve conductivity of nervous impulse in nerves
- further to regeneration of nervous system cells
- improve blood flow characteristics
- has immunomodulatory action
- has rejuvenate effect
Apply for:
- complex treatment of endocrine and nervous systems
- neurologic practice
- treatment of allergy
- complex treatment of varicosity
- treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
- treatment of climacteric (menopausal) syndrome
- complex treatment of autoimmune disorders
- correction of mineral calcium metabolism