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Zalmanov yellow turpentine emulsion for bath 250 ml an effective tool for weight loss and prevention of cellulite

Zalmanov  yellow turpentine emulsion for bath 250 ml an effective tool for weight loss and prevention of cellulite
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  • $35.00

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Recommended for persons with high blood pressure (more than 140/90 mm. Hg.).
 Contraindications: Contraindicated for people with low blood pressure, in such case are highly recommended to use the baths based on white balm.

Alexander Zalmanov, a famous Russian doctor has made a huge contribution to the development of naturopathy. Born in 1875 in Russia, he received three medical diplomas: in Russia, Germany and Italy. Fluent in five languages, Zalmanov studied huge number of medical researches. He worked in many clinics of some largest European cities. Living in Berlin he was involved in simultaneously working at patho-anatomical institute and institutes of colloidal chemistry and physiology. He studied balneotherapy under doctor Knejpp, professors Erba, Valinsky.

During his long years in France, doctor Zalmanov was devoted to his work in the medical field. As a result of this he wrote three books: "Secrets and wisdom of the human body" (1958), "Miracle of Life" (1960) and "Thousand ways to recover" (1965) which have been published in French and German.

In these books he has described the results of treatments of chronic diseases.

The theory behind these treatments was the major role of the capillary system in development and recovery of disease.

His method of treatment with yellow and white turpentine emulsions showed good results and was accepted by French Ministry of Health Zalmanov lived a long full life. He died in 1965 in Paris at the age of 90 years.

Turpentine baths are a universal remedy. Their wide medical spectrum covers many acute and chronic diseases.

Yellow emulsion is used at the high blood pressure. The good result may be observed at rheumatism, artritis, neuritis. It has strong anesthetizing action, strengthens the muscles.

Capillary baths as a part of natural medicine are completely harmless in case of correct application.

Turpentine baths can be used for treatment of adults, elderly and children of any age.

Capillary baths step-by-step, from a session to a session open the closed capillary vessels, restore normal, healthy life of cells, tissues and whole human organism.

The contraindications for Zalmanov's turpentine baths treatment are only few conditions: active forms of open pulmonary tuberculosis, acute period of psychoses, expressed cardiac insufficiency, agonic and terminal conditions.


The scheme of the course of treatment means supervision over the state of health of the patient by the experts. Baths with a white turpentine emulsion are prescribed to the patients with arterial pressure not above 150, and with a yellow turpentine emulsion - to the patients with the raised arterial pressure. Combining the structure of a mix, it is possible to achieve favorable arterial pressure for the patient.

With the help of intensive internal combustion of substances and expansions of capillaries these baths assist dissolution of pathological adjournment in articulate cavities, in periarticular tissues, in endoneuria, in walls of blood vessels, in sinews, in a crystalline lens of an eye (at a cataract) and have a big anesthetizing action.


(The temperature specified after "-", is reached through 5 minutes after the beginning of taking a bath)

в„– Рї/Рї Quantity of a yellow emulsion (milliliters) Temperature of water (0РЎ) Duration of taking a bath (minutes) в„– Рї/Рї Quantity of a yellow emulsion (milliliters) Temperature of water (0РЎ) Duration of taking a bath (minutes)
1 20 36-37 12 10 65 36,5-38,5 15
2 25 36-37,5 13 11 70 36,5-38,5 15
3 30 36-37,5 14 12 75 36,5-38,5 15
4 35 36,5-38 15 13 80 36,5-38,5 15
5 40 36,5-38,5 15 14 85 36,5-38,5 15
6 45 36,5-38,5 15 15 90 36,5-38,5 15
7 50 36,5-38,5 15 16 95 36,5-38,5 15
8 55 36,5-38,5 15 17 100 36,5-38,5 15
9 55 36,5-38,5 15        

These baths stimulate capillaries of skin and strengthen blood circulation of all organs, open the closed capillaries, raise arterial pressure. Therefore with the raised arterial pressure it is better to persons to take baths with a yellow turpentine solution. White baths have a good anesthetizing action; do not cause the stagnation of heat.

The procedure of taking turpentine baths

The results of treatments with turpentine baths are directly influenced on the application techniques. To have Zalmanov baths procedures at home you will need:

  • bath with capacity 170-200L
  • hot and cold water (you need to add hot water during a procedure to increase temperature)
  • water thermometer with 50 Celsius degree scale
  • measuring glass
  • sphygmomanometer to measure BP
  • clock
  • mirror (for the control of perspiration on your face if you take baths without the assistant)
  • Zalmanov bath tonics: yellow turpentine solution and white turpentine emulsion

The frequency of taking the baths depends on the diagnosis and patient condition. In most cases it's recommended to have procedures every second day, in cases of strong pain - every day. The starting dose of any tonic mix is 20-25 ml for an adult and gradually increases up to 120 - 130 ml, depending on tolerancy to turpentine baths and their efficacy.

Remember - no alcohol, no tobacco, no antibiotics during procedures, avoid meat dishes also.

When you take baths with a white tonic you can feel prickling or burning of the skin at different places. Skin reaction depends on turpentine concentration and on individual sensitivity. Excessive burning means overdose of turpentine mixes or exceeding the dosage or time of taking the bath. To avoid feeling of burning it is recommended to use vaseline to protect genitals before taking baths.

All session of treatment can be divided into three stages.

The first stage - preparation of the bath

Fill the bath with warm water 36 (± 1) °C up to 15-25 sm from edges. Use a water thermometer to control water temperature. The water thermometer should be in the bath water for the duration of procedure.

Take a bowl and a measuring glass. Measure the necessary amount of Zalmanov bath tonic, pour it into the bowl, add hot water from the tap and stir well. Pour out the diluted mix into the bath and stir well with both hands.

The second stage - taking turpentine baths

Lay down in the bath, submerge into a water solution as deeply as possible keeping head above water. Open the hot water tap and start to add hot water, gradually increasing water temperature. Approximately on 1 °C + every 2 minutes. Relax and lay in water occasionally stirring the water with hands and legs.

Watch the thermometer and clock. Be sure to control the speed of temperature rising.

The maximum recommended temperature for white turpentine baths is 39 (± 1) °C and 41°C- 42°C for the yellow turpentine.

For first 5 minutes it is recommended to increase the temperature only up to 39-40 °C so your body has time to adapt to the increase of external temperature. Remember - in all cases the starting temperature of bath water needs to be ~36°C.

The average duration a Zalmanov baths should not exceed 15 - 17 minutes, depending on person's general condition and the amount of perspiration on the person's face. If sweat on the person face has appeared before the recommended time, the procedure can be finished earlier. If the perspiration is late, it is possible to prolong the bath for another 1-3 min.

Appearance of sweat on the person's face is the key moment of taking turpentine bath and means, that the person's body has reached the necessary stage and the procedure can be finished. Be careful - the turpentine tonic makes bath walls slippery. Put on a bathrobe or use a big towel, but do not wipe off your skin. Go to bed to have the final stage of the procedure.

The third stage - rest

Although at this stage you are not in the bath, it is very important for getting the best effect. It is necessary to be in bed for about 1~2 hours which will lead to further perspiration. For intense perspiration, which begins in the bath, it is necessary to be covered very warmly with 2-3 blankets. Besides that, it is good idea to drink a cup of hot tea ideally with diaphoretic herbs (for example with raspberry fruits, linden flowers, elderflowers) and honey. This will increase and prolong the process of perspiration - that removes toxins from your body. Remember, that cleansing of the body removes illness.

To complete procedure, after finishing rest, refresh you body with light shower(with no soap or shampoo).

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