EYEIMPROVER lets anyone improve eyesight without surgery.
With our industry-leading non-invasive, safe and effective ophthalmologic methodic you can training the eye muscles at home.
Its effect is based on changeable distance to the object in focus, and also on the impulse color stimulation of the ciliary muscle.
EYEMPROVER has successfully passed clinical approbation at the Institute of Ophthalmology and in 5 independent medical institutions.
EEMPROVER is used in kindergartens, schools, boarding houses, medical or ophthalmological centers, sanatoriums, rehabilitation centers, as well as used to restore vision in the first period of re-adaptation of astronauts after flights.
Easy To Use
Yoga For The Eyes
The ciliary muscles of the eyes are strengthened, which makes it possible to see more clearly, the effect of double vision disappears, and color perception increases.
By improving blood circulation during training, the flow of beneficial and nutrients to the muscles of the eyes improves, which contributes to tissue regeneration.
Press the power button, take EYEIMPROVER in one hand, hold the eyepiece with the other hand and slowly move the large tube away from you, look at the distant image, (planets, satellites). Then look at the near picture, (stars), and rotate the eyepiece. After that, slide the pipe back, looking at the distant picture. Repeat 5 times, then press the button until the blinking mode turns on and repeat 5 times, then repeat for the other eye.
EYEIMPROVER is effective for
myopia and hyperopia,
as well as after surgery to consolidate the effect and post-traumatic rehabilitation. The simulator is suitable for people with 100% vision, for prophylaxis, gymnastics, improving visual acuity, relieving fatigue and stress.
EYEIMPROVER received a high expert assessment, entered the top three innovative projects in Russia and in the top 10 best projects in Europe in 2019.
The device was invented by an engineer - a mother , the son of which had vision problems. Visits to doctors did not give any result, and mother came up with and began to produce the device which helped her son and helps many more children and adults to solve vision problems.